How to Analyze an Opportunity:
A Home Business Checklist
Business Partner(s) / Upline Sponsor / Mentor
A 6-digit earner (> $100,000 a year).
An Established Marketing System.
An Established Training System and Resources.
Commitment Level / Availability.
The Company
$100+ million in annual sales.
3rd Party Validation.
5 or More Years in Business.
Stable, Debt-free, and Publicly-traded.
Good Reputation in the Industry and with the General Public.
Allows Real Marketing.
International Presence.
Truly Seamless Downline.
Low Hype.
Emphasize the 4 Cornerstones of Business Success:
1) Time
2) Effort
3) Vision
4) Discipline
Product / Service
Auto-Ship Program.
Product Advertised as Much as Opportunity.
Competitively Priced.
Money-Back Guarantee.
Market Trends / Timing
A Niche Market.
High Potential Industry.
Other Trends.
Compensation Plan
Commission Payout.
Click here for what to look for in a Multi Level Marketing Compensation Plan
Pay Out at Least 30% in Compensation.
Orphan Commissions.
Other Perks.
Fast-Start Bonus.
Infinity Bonus.
Personal Fit
1) How comfortable do you feel with the company, the product/service, and/or your prospective business partner(s)?
2) Do you like or trust your prospective sponsor?
3) Do you have a good feeling about the company?
4) Do you believe in what they are trying to accomplish?
5) Have you tried or do you like the product / service?
6) Would you recommend the product / service to someone else?
1) Will this opportunity help you reach your goal?
2) Is it ethical and fair to everyone concerned?
3) Will it take you closer to or farther from your major objective in life?
4) Can you commit yourself to start and finish?
After analyzing hundreds of business opportunities, the one that scores the highest on our analysis test is the Financial Freedom Society. There are a few temporary band-aids for financial problems, however, with the Financial Freedom Society you have the one and only permanent cure. Click here to go there now and find out why.
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